Thursday, May 15, 2008


I’ve been away for awhile. Not so much physically away, but more so mentally.

We had some layoffs at my company, which cut my department in half and left me with twice the workload. The last two weeks were unbearably crazy, but thankfully this week has slowed down and allowed me time to breathe.

I reorganized my cube, hung some engagement photos, traded in my office chair for an exercise ball (I’ve only fallen over once), and adopted a couple of plants.

I feel as though I’m in dire need of a vacation. Not just a lazy weekend or a random day off of work, a REAL vacation. With complete freedom to do whatever I want to do and not worry about deadlines and to-do lists.

We went to Idaho last weekend to visit Todd’s parents, and for the next three weeks, we have a steady stream of friends/family visiting. (which I LOVE, don’t get me wrong. I’d even love more people to visit Seattle!)

It’s just that I think I’m fed up with my job and ready to be done with it and do something I enjoy. Still trying to figure out what that will be.

My running seems to have taken a vacation though. I’ve had a sore heel for over a week. And I'm doing my best to go against my normal way of dealing with injuries—which is to keep on running anyways— and give it some decent rest to heal before I start 'training' for some undetermined summer race.

In good news, my co-worker’s girlfriend works at Brooks Running headquarters and got me some new shoes with a sweet discount, plus she threw in two pairs of free shorts. I love free swag.

With the lovely weather today and through this weekend, I’m hoping to get in some pain-free runs. Oooh, and maybe go kayaking! Have a picnic! Something fun in the sun. With sunscreen, of course. I don't mind the recent cloudy, cool Seattle weather, but it's always exciting to see the sun come out to play.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so lucky, I love Brooks. My new Brooks sneakers arrived last week and they are great.

Hang in there with work and all the house guests!