Monday, May 29, 2006


SERIOUSLY?!?! I CANNOT believe this is happening to me. I guess I should've seen it coming....i've been unusually 'healthy' all through training. I kept thinking it was slightly odd that I wasn't the one who was injured.

When my teammates were broken down, i felt great.
Despite a few minor shin pains, i felt great.
over 4 months of training, i felt great.
18 miles, 20 miles, 22 miles, i felt great.

But now, less than 1 week until the big marathon, i do NOT feel great. I feel awful.

Honestly, i don't know what happened. I was doing a nice 6 mile run last Tuesday, and BAM!!! Mile 4, my right leg was screaming at me to stop. So i walked, and then i jogged. I walked, I jogged. And finally I made it back home, limping.

Ok, fine. This is kind of normal. My shins sometimes hurt a little bit when i'm done running.

Ok, fine. Ice. Stretch.

Ok, fine. This will go away eventually.

Ok, not fine. This is killing me.

So i listened to orders from Josh to bench myself for my softball game the next day, and to lay off of running for 'awhile'.

But Saturday was our last group training run, and i wasn't about to miss that, and it was only 8 miles. That shouldn't be a problem. Plus, my leg was feeling better with 4 days of no running. So me and my archnemesis 'The Shin' started jogging.

About 10 steps into the run, i knew i should've been on the elliptical machine instead.

OW, step, OW, step, OW........i managed to eek out some kind of limp-tastic stride and made it to the water stop/turnaround at mile 4. Thankfully, Josh was there and helped me to swallow my pride and quit at 4 miles. He drove me back to my car, i talked to koach karl, and went home for a pretty wimpy ice bath.

Helping my brother and sis-in-law move that afternoon probably wasn't the best idea, but i did it anyway. Yesterday, i iced. And stretched. And iced. And stretched. And went to the pool to catch some rays and do a little swimming. Because, that can't be bad for my leg, right?

Wrong, it still hurt. My knee, my shin, my ankle. The pain just travels throughout my entire lower right leg.

I don't know what to do. I have instructions from Koach to not run until the big day. Hang out on the elliptical, bike, swim, yoga. But don't run.

So, if you know me, you know how hard this is for me to do. i'm stubborn. i want to run. i NEED to run. my marathon is SIX days away!!!

But, i'm going to do everything i can to be ready next Sunday. I'm scared. SCARED TO DEATH. Scared that i won't be able to run. Scared that i'll think i'm ready to run 26.2 miles, only to be overwhelmed by pain after only a mile.

I try not to worry about that now. I'll stay off my feet as much as i can. I'll keep icing. I'll keep stretching. I'll keep praying that i can just make it 26.2 miles.

But SERIOUSLY?!?! why now? This is not what i want to be worrying about. I should be worrying about what i'm going to pack. I should be worrying about what flavor of Gu i'm going to carry with me. I should be looking forward to my vacation from work.

But i'm not. I'm frustrated. I'm sad. I'm in pain. I'm struggling to stay optimistic. I'm trying to be strong. But last night, it was too much for me.

and i cried.

i cried for my body. i cried for those who are expecting me to run great. i cried because my boyfriend is 2,000 miles away. i cried because i'm frustrated with work. i cried because i can't find God's humor in this whole situation. and i cried because i want to run.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Just keep running....just keep running....

The big two-two loomed ahead of me on saturday morning. will my legs survive? will i crumble in pain? can i really run 22 miles?

i made sure to set two alarms for 5:15, because i could think of nothing worse than oversleeping and having to run 22 miles all by my lonesome. i made it to the Team meeting location and we headed off on our last long run before the marathon, 11 miles out and 11 miles back. we started out on concrete sidewalk, which made me concerned for the well-being of my precious legs, but soon we were on the trail and i was happy. my legs were happy. i was enjoying being out there with my teammates, all of us working towards conquering this final training hurdle. and we couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day to spend 3+ hours running around Overland Park & Leawood.

i settled into a comfortable pace with rob, katie & gina. it definitely helps to have someone keep pace with you. i have a slight tendency to pick up my pace when i'm feeling good, so i had to keep in mind that i still had 20, 18, 16....miles left. the first half of the run felt relatively great. the shins were hurting a tad, but nothing unbearable. i slathered on some Biofreeze somewhere around miles 6 & 9. that helped a lot, and i reminded myself to be sure I carry some packets in San Diego. After what seemed like we pretty much ran to Oklahoma, we turned around for the second half.

Except, wait, that was only 10.5 miles. Koach Karl said it wasn't exactly 11, but i was hoping he overestimated instead of underestimated. More Biofreeze, more Gu, and for the first time in all my long runs, I had to make a pitstop. Fortunately, there was a bathroom by the ballfields and i avoided having to use a dreaded port-a-potty. I got separated from my group, so i just picked up my pace a bit, turned up my ipod and...

Risin' up, back on the street
Did my time, took my chances
Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet
Just a man and his will to survive
It's the eye of the tiger
..............nothing like a little Rocky motivation to keep me going and catch me back up to my teammates.

Except for some very long uphills, the rest of the run went pretty well. My legs felt good, and socks = big blister on big toe at mile 18. oh wait, i was wrong. new socks = 2 blisters on big toe at mile 18. well, better now than during my marathon, i suppose. Now, normally when i know that i only have two miles left, i feel happy, but not on this run. The very daunting and large hill just before our finish was AWFUL. just AWFUL. Several teammates were there cheering us on, which really helped, but then we got to the top. Looked at our mileage and it read 20.85........what?!? Koach definitely undercalculated the mileage, so we spent the next mile+ running around the parking lot, looking like disoriented vagrants.

But I made it!!! 22 miles. done. My muscles had never ached so much before. I just wanted to lay down. And then I just wanted to walk around. Lay down. Walk. Nothing eased their pain, so i got in my car and drove home to a much deserved ice bath. For all those who are afraid of ice baths, i'm telling you, once you get past the initial shock, they are wonderful. absolutely wonderful. in a weird, calming way.
22 miles.....3:42. I'm feeling very confident about my 4:30 marathon goal.

And.....I SURPASSED MY FUNDRAISING GOAL!!!!! Thank everyone SO much for their generosity. My family, friends, co-workers, strangers who just think I'm cool......without you all, this wouldn't be possible.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Bad blogger

ahhhh, i'm a bad blogger. nearly two weeks, no blogging from me. whoopsie.

but i'm gonna try to keep this blog short. 22 miles tomorrow. need rest. i need to give these legs as much rest as i can. ever since my 8 mile run last saturday, the right shin has just been aggravating me. and it probably wasn't too smart of me to run on some sidewalks on tuesday. i really had no choice though, unless i wanted to play chicken with a car. and i have too much good stuff going on right now to do that. but those stupid sidewalks .... i might as well beat my shins with iron pipes. so, i tried to correct this problem by running on the grass instead. and here's another gripe. people, people. Puh-lease keep your lawns mowed. do you know how much harder my legs have to work to trudge through your lawn forest? my legs were 110% exhausted after that. so, i took thursday off from running with the hope that my legs will be good and ready for the 22 miles tomorrow. oh, i can't even think what i'm going to feel like after that. i'm a little scared for the whole adventure.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Holy Twenty Miles, Batman!

once again, i woke up 45 minutes later than i'd planned (thanks, T) and had to hurry up eat a powerbar and hurry up drive to heritage park. 15 minutes late, according to worldly time. but right on time, according to KatieTime. i've gotten so used to running on our usual trail, i was unsure what to expect at this new location. i was pretty much just running until my Forerunner said 20.0

It went something like this:

started out with two 2-mile laps around the lake, pit stop for some Gu. what? no espresso love? i settled for vanilla bean. hmm...pretty tasty. one 3.5-mile out-and-back, two more laps around the lake, this is so peaceful, Gu, one 4.5 out-and-back, eww that leg was hilly. i did NOT like that one at all. let's not do that one again.

one more lap around the lake. i am DYING here. these legs are just about used up. ok, one more 2 mile loop around the lake. i can do it. c'mon legs. chug-a-chug---a--chug--a.....

if it weren't for my ipod and, as crazy as it sounds, the thought of taking a post-run ice bath to ease my pains, i would've walked the last mile. but i ran it all! 20 miles, oh my goodness!

20.3 miles. with an avg. pace of 9:40, i finished in 3:15. not too shabby.

but i ran these poor legs of mine until they were dead, dead, dead tired. i was pretty sure that once i got in my car, i wouldn't be getting out of it. still, i had to stop and pick up some essential big bags of ice. lots of ice.

thankfully, i had my big brother handy to carry the ice to the bathroom, where i proceeded to take THE MOST PAINFUL ice bath ever. i'm pretty sure my feet were borderline dead. five minutes, and i was outta that tub.

ok, now i can see why people think ice baths are crazy. although, i'm still going to keep on making them a post-long run treatment, because they are beneficial. As sore as a human's legs should be after running 20 miles, mine aren't too bad*.
*side note: aside from me hobbling around the house on sunday and still having a dull throbbing pain in my right shin, i'm okay. let's just hope it goes away.

This week: 6 miles, 3 miles, 8 miles. A 17 mile week? Piece of cake.