Tuesday, November 21, 2006

One of these days...

i will learn how to set my alarm clock correctly.

I woke up on saturday morning with the sun shining through the window. Huh, that's weird, usually when i get up at 5:15am it's not sunny. And then my brain finally caught up. AAAAAAAAARGH! It's 7:30 and i missed the group run.

Not a big deal that i missed it, except for the fact that i enjoy going to see friends, and it's just easier to run 10 miles with them instead of by myself. Thanksfully, my roommate was making an early morning trip to the gym, so i tagged along and (still don't know why i keep doing this) ran 6 miles on the treadmill.

I ran 4 miles on the treadmill on Wednesday and 3 on Thursday. Seriously, i've never enjoyed treadmill running, but lately it just seems to be easier than bundling up and running outside in the dark.

So, the highlight of my weekend (obviously the lowlight was K-State's pathetic loss to KU) was the Chiefs game with Josh and tailgating with Kevin, who is by far the master of the tailgating universe. We had a decent win, good weather, and great fun.


Anonymous said...

I agree, running in the dark doesn't sound like much fun. But that's a non-runner talking.

And as for getting up early, maybe you need a super loud and annoying alarm clock? I'm sure your housemates would appreciate that.

kaddie said...

ohhh, the chiefs. i sure do miss football season.

so, it seems like you like to write on tuesdays and thursdays...must be slow at work on those days. so i'm keeping my hopes up for tomorrow....

and p.s. i miss you! and i tried to call you this weekend so...happy belated turkey day friend! muah!

a.maria said...

