Monday, July 24, 2006

On your marks, get set............

....should i "GO!" ???

it's 5 days until i've scheduled my running comeback, but i'm feeling a little runnerful today and am pondering going on a short jog.

i mean, really, what difference are a few days going to make?? and, besides... i have softball games tomorrow and wednesday nights, so i don't want to be completely inept at running around the bases.

plus, i'm dogsitting for my cousin this week, and he lives less than a mile away from me, so i'm thinking that i can jog to his house, get the dog and walk her back to my house.

a nice evening stroll.

oh, i'm so excited about the possibilities this evening holds!! but first, i'm off to the gym to do a little biking, loosen up my muscles and work on those rock hard abs i've been dreaming about for the many years since i was in high school??

it's GO time.


KT said... did it go?

Iron Jayhawk said...

Wooohooo!!! :)

Just be careful, lady bird!!

...okay, and the fact you know that drunk guy from sabetha was a riot!

Krista said...

Hi Katie,

I found your blog through ANOTHER marathon blog, and I just read about your marathon ordeal. I'm training for my second marathon now - the first went by without a hitch - but this time, my shins are killing me. I'm training for Chicago, which I did last year, too, but I'm getting nervous about the legs. Injuries SUCK. Good luck getting back on your feet! Are you still running Chicago?