Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!

Since moving to Seattle, I’ve become more eco- friendly, sometimes without even making a conscious effort to do so. Compared to the Midwest, it seems people here are much more concerned about the environment and aware of taking measures to protect it.
It's easy to see why Seattle is in the top 10 Greenest Cities in the U.S.

I love it. Living here encourages me to take advantage of the beautiful outdoors, eat locally grown and/or organic foods, take public transporation, recycle, etc. I don’t even drive my car (Goldie) but once a week to bible study. Maybe twice a week if necessary, but sometimes Goldie sits undriven so long, I forget where I parked her.

I love being able to walk or ride the bus practically everywhere. Maybe I enjoy it because I was deprived of that option before. I love the bus. Or, as we prefer to call it....BOOSE!! (pronounced like goose)

My preferred method of grocery shopping involves me running to Trader Joe’s— with my cloth shopping bags rolled up and tucked under my arm like a football player—and catching a ride on the bus back home.

I realize in many places it’s difficult, maybe even impossible to walk to the store or work, but there are so many alternatives that you can do to be kind to Mother Earth.
-Reduce your shower time in order to save water
-Use non-disposable cups, plates, utensils and avoid using paper napkins/towels
-Get some reusable grocery bags, and if possible, tell store clerks you can do without a bag. Plastic bags are evil!
-Recycle, recycle, recycle
-Shop at your local farmer's market and buy locally grown produce that wasn't trucked in from clear across the country

It’s simple. Start small. We all have a long way to go, but even by changing just one small thing, you can help.

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