Friday, August 31, 2007

And I'm back in the game...

First news first....

*pat* *pat* on the back for me.

I was at the point where I was beginning to think my life would consist of interviews and more interviews, followed by more interviews, but no paycheck. Thankfully though, my prayers have been answered and I apparently wooed everyone over at the Ad Agency I will be working for. I'm really excited for this new endeavor, and while I don't start for 3 more weeks, that gives me ample time to find an apartment downtown and just relax.

Second in news today....playing a little catch up since my last blog...Last weekend we enjoyed a church camping trip at Lincoln Rock State Park near Wenatchee, about two hours east of Seattle. And on the way back home we acquired some yummy just-picked peaches and pears, along with a couple bottles of wine from a local winery. yum yum.

I've really kicked up my running mileage the past two weeks since I have a couple of fall/winter races on my mind (to be officially blogged about later). Mostly some 4 milers, but I even did a hilly 5 miles during the 'heat wave' that came through this week. And by 'heat wave', I mean 85 degrees. I think my tolerance for unbearable Kansas heat has left of my system because those 5 miles were a struggle at my normal pace, I had to slow down and just enjoy the evening. And I threw in a 6 miler with speed intervals, just to spice things up a bit.

And tomorrow I get to go sailing around the Puget Sound on a 39 ft sloop, sure to be the highlight of my weekend.

Have a great Labor Day weekend, y'all!!

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