Friday, April 27, 2007

just me and the boys

it's that time again.

half marathon time.

only this is probably the least prepared i've ever been for a half. i've ran 8 milers on the weekends and mostly 4 and 6 milers during the week, but i haven't ran anything over 8 since the Olathe Half a month ago.

oh, i have no doubt that i'll finish....but if i finish under 2:00 i'll be happy. my endurance is not up to its par and i've convinced myself i'm out there more to enjoy Oklahoma City than to try and run a PR.

other than some slight apprehension, it should be an excellent weekend. just me and the boys.

have i mentioned that i'll be traveling in a van with 5 guys? and sharing a hotel room with josh? yeah, well i am. and i'm pretty excited about it.

as long as they all shower afterwards.

me and a van full of smelly guys is not my idea of a good time.

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