Thursday, March 15, 2007

Catching Up

i'm so far behind on my blogging...let me do a quick summary....

I was on a running rampage last week. I enjoyed my 12 miler on sunday so much that i did 6 miles tuesday and 8 thursday on that same route.

In other news, last week i was offered a job at Starbucks. My friends say they've never heard someone so excited to quit their full-time job and get a part-time one. Clearly a sign that I hated my job. Actually, hate (present tense) my job since i'm still working there for 3 more weeks.

Saturday morning was a scheduled 14 miler starting at 7 am, but i had to be to a Starbucks Experience workshop at 9 so i started my run at 6 instead. The time crunch made me run faster than i wanted and i was only able to run 12 in order to go home, shower, and make it to the workshop on time. Despite spending 5 hours inside on a lovely saturday, the Starbucks class was pretty fun.

but the best part of saturday was another get-together at Paul & Brita's with Team in Training friends. When Brita was going through chemo, her friends brought her some wigs...some CRAZY looking wigs. perfect for Guitar Hero and Karaoke. This is Courtney and I rockin' the wigs and playing Sweet Child O' Mine. I don't want to brag, but i looked pretty hot with a mullet.

and another of us just looking, um......'special'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm...not a big fan of the mullet. And the blonde wig makes you look like goldilocks. :)