oopsie, i've put off blogging for too long. i just couldn't really think of anything and then i got busy at work and delegated my blogging to someone else. so here's my post, according to JOSH:
I ran again this Saturday.
Four hilly miles I ran.
Woooo whoooo!
Four long, hilly miles.
Go Katie!
so there you have it. thank you, Speedy Josh.
but since his post just doesn't do much justice (no offense) to my actual training, i'll spice it up a bit.
let's see where we left off last time..........since we last saw Katie's blog, she did a sweaty 2.5 mile run in 100 degree heat, an uncomfortable morning 3 mile run (thanks to tummy issues) and then the hilly 4 miles. with a few 7-8 mile bike rides sprinkled in. (but it actually wasn't 4 miles. it was more like 4.35 miles. so we'll just say 4.5 and call it good.)
i really commend those who are training for the Nike Women's Marathon. those hills at Shawnee Mission Park are nothing to be laughed at and my knee was definitely hurting the rest of the day. i took a teammate's advice and bought some glucosamine/condroitin in the hopes that will ease the knee pain. i also found this info and it (kinda) helped convince me it was a good buy:
A recent Internet poll at runnersworld.com showed that 94.5 percent of respondents said they had tried one of the supplements. What's more, 79.8 percent reported that their symptoms "somewhat improved" or "greatly improved" after taking glucosamine and/or chondroitin. Less than one percent reported that "things got worse" with the supplements.
I mean, really.....if less than 1% reported that "things got worse", how much harm could it do me? those are pretty good odds. i can't tell a difference yet, but i've been slacking on keeping up with the correct dosage. see katie, it's reasons like these that you can never get fully healthy.
but i'm no slacker. if anything is for sure, i've realized that sleep is of little to no value to me lately. i'd say that 5 out of 7 days during the week, i wake up around 5:45 to go to the gym or run. which isn't really that bad, except that when your boyfriend lives in Pacific Time it makes for a late bedtime and i only get an avg. of 5-6 hours of sleep. i'm not complaining though, it's nothing a pot of coffee can't fix. but usually sundays are my day to sleep in and for some reason (actually it was for a good cause so that's why i did it) i volunteered to help with late registration at the Race for the Cure. That meant another alarm awakening at 5:30 to make it to Union Station by 6. i was (not surprisingly) a little late, but it was fun and i kinda wished i would've done the actual race. another year perhaps.
i ran a quick 2.5 mile run on monday. IN THE RAIN!!!! that's by far my favorite weather to run in. not the torrential rain, but the light soothing drizzle-y type. i run without my ipod and just listen to the sound of my surroundings. if i would've woken up earlier, i probably would've kept running longer....but that stupid alarm clock and i have been having major battles lately. biked another 8 miles tuesday and am planning on a 3 mile run tonight. this 'cooler' weather makes me happy.
but what really makes me happy is that i'm jetting off to Seattle on friday night!! and that means that my 6 mile saturday morning run will not be taking place at hilly Shawnee Mission Park, but on the shores of Lake Sammamish. some people may complain about Seattle always being rainy, but if it does rain, i would be ecstatic. just as long as its not rainy the entire weekend, i was hoping to do some kayaking. i just have to convince somebody else to accompany me :)
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No thanks, anonymous. (if you don't understand this, the comment has been deleted).
Are you ever on time? :) Not that I have much room to talk, I don't get up until 9am most days.
It does rain here. Quite a bit, mostly in the mid-fall / winter / spring. But at least the summers are awesome. :) And it's never really too cold to run outside. It got down to 25 degrees a few months ago, and the weatherman said it was the coldest it's been in 10 years. Ha!
wow ... anonymous really likes your blog Katie. Anyways, Gluc really does work. I used it last year and my knee troubles went away like that.
I gotta say, it's hard to top annon up there. Anyhow, I'm impressed at your early mornings at the gym. After summer hours, I may be joining you. Or not.
alright Anonymous, i'm cutting you off from making any future postings on my blog. I'll leave this one, just for other's amusement but next time, keep the nude comments to yourself.
The "facts" from an ex-Washingtonian (me):
Seattle has near-drought condition weather, during the Summer months (in most years). Seattle's annual rainfall is less than Kansas City's annual rainfall. They get their rain spread out over 7 or 8 months as frequent, but light showers. KC gets it's rain as infrequent gully-washers throughout the year.
Have a good time in Seattle!. If you venture up to Capital Hill (near downtown Seattle), try to stop by the Elysian Brewpub. Pester Dick or Dave for a free beer, courtesy of knowing Bad Ben in KC.
By the way, I've been using Glucosamine since 1995. It works well, and if you run a lot, it is well worth it for not only your joints, but for the fluid in the discs of your spine.
Vitamin C is also very important for the Glucosamine to work. I also take Glycine and Hyaluronic Acid (HA) for a good connective tissue regimen.
Glycine is very inexpensive. It helps repair connective tissue.
So does HA, (and it has been given to race horses for years, because of that fact). If you purchase HA, be sure to get the enteric-coated version. It doesn't make the journey past the acids in your stomach, otherwise. HA is naturally-ocurring in your body, so there is no side affects or issues, just more tools for your body to use to repair itself.
Happy trails,
Bad Ben
ha. running. that's for criminals and cops. oh, and heartless homewreckers.
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