Sunday, February 19, 2006

I'm on the brink of being crazy

Saturday morning went something like this....
PowerBar....check. Coat of Vaseline on my face....check. Brush the snow off my car.....check. Awesome, not only is there a blanket of snow on the ground, but it's a 'balmy' four degrees and below zero windchill. I don't even know the exact windchill because anything below zero is pretty much the same...awful. And by awful, i mean intense torture and pain. I was right earlier in the week when I said I'd be an icicle. There were times when I thought my thighs were going to freeze mid-stride and leave me stranded along the road until the warm spring weather would thaw me out. But we kept Gatorade refueling, Vaseline reapplying, and kept on running. It was all worth it in the end, as our 10 mile run was complete and the feeling of achieving another mileage milestone replaced the lack of feeling in my extremeties. And as if I weren't already frozen to the bone, I headed home to take an ice bath. Sad, but true, I'm kinda starting to enjoy the ice baths....especially when soaking in a tub of ice water is actually warmer than the run outside.


Anonymous said...

I want to hear about your normal Saturday night schedule too, because I know one of the things is to text me at 2:30am (or 12:30am my time). :)

Josh Dysart said...

you are nuts! i only do ice baths in the summer. burrrrrr!!

Katie said...

i don't know what you're talking about todd....

Ben, aka BadBen said...

Aren't you glad it's now warmer outside?