Thursday, August 14, 2008

One Month

The real countdown is on.

30 days until the wedding. One month.

Which means 22 days until we load up the car and drive back to Kansas. Oddly enough, I'm really looking forward to that part. I think it will be a great pre-wedding stress reliever, driving through beautiful Washington, Idaho, Montana,Wyoming...South Dakota...Iowa...Nebraska...well, the beautiful scenery kinda starts to dwindle halfway through the trip but still, I'm looking forward to it. At least we won't be driving a 17 foot UHaul pulling a car trailer, like we did on my move to Seattle last year.

No UHaul = faster driving, the ability to listen to music of our choice, less gas (not to mention, having to physically squeeze the gas pump handle while the truck filled up for 10 minutes) and not feeling like the engine is going to explode going down the mountain roads.

In the meantime, I keep running, packing up my apartment, and trying to enjoy this time while its here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention one of the most important parts:

When going west, we often drive during sunset, which makes it extremely hard to see the road (as you're driving into the sun).

This time we're going east, so unless we start driving before sunrise (which is extremely unlikely), it will be much easier to see where we're going.