Thursday, January 18, 2007

donde es el bano?

so i ended up taking like a week off from running. Whoopsie. it was kinda by accident, kinda by result of the weather and icy-ness. but i like to think that the miles of walking around Seattle count towards my mileage. in like a weird small percentage way compared to running.

my flight was cancelled on sunday, which was cool with me since i got an extra day to spend in Seattle. and i spent the next day flying, along with 4 hours at the Cincinatti airport, thanks to another delayed flight. needless to say, it was not the smoothest trip of traveling i've ever had. but i grew up around airplanes and everything aviation, so inconveniences like those don't bother me. in fact, i love being in airports and i think soon, i could write a book of reviews on U.S. airports. hmmm...perhaps there's a future career there for me.....

back to kansas. grrr. brrrr. more ice. lots of ice.

but i actually got up this morning and ran before work. amidst the snow. and lots of ice. but it was fine. i did not fall. and fortunately, i did not get hit by a car while i was running on Mission Road forced off the sidewalks due to gobs of ice chunks and ice rink-like surfaces. seriously, cities of Prairie Village and Leawood...can you please do something to clear those at least partially off?? unfortunately, i got stomach cramps (ie: really needed a bathroom) around mile 3 so i hurried home and called it quits at 3.5 miles.


Josh Dysart said...

El bano esta a la derecha.

Kevin said...

Those icy sidewalks suck. I am ready for spring.