Friday, December 22, 2006

Feliz Navidad

yes, my blogging heart is still beating...very faintly.

with holiday festivities, a visit from The Todd, Christmas shopping, and running, i just haven't had much time to do any noteworthy blogging. yes, despite all the business, i refuse to let my running go the wayside and its has been great. now that i'm not training for anything, i'm just enjoying some relaxed, easy runs and it's awesome.

i suppose once life settles down, i'll get around to posting something 'slightly' more entertaining for you.

as for now, i'm heading for an 8 mile holiday run with Josh, and then home to the parents' house. and in a battle against Mom's holiday cookies, caramels, etc. i have some much anticipated runs scheduled with old friends while i'm back home.

until later, have a very Merry Christmas!!!

1 comment:

Josh Dysart said...

thanks for running with me today.