Monday, October 31, 2005

so far, so good...i made my decision to run a marathon a week ago, and since then i have logged 90 minutes of running in 6 days. amazingly, i even managed to get up at 8 am saturday to go for a run. i figure this is goodbye to sleeping in on the weekends and hello to running being more important than sleeping. i'm not so big into the mileage, as i am into keeping track of my time, mainly because i haven't calculated my mileage...too much work. but this is a huge step for me, since i haven't ran this much in over a year. shin update: on a pain scale of 1 to 10, (10 being 'please cut my legs off cause it would hurt less') they've been at about 4.35, which is very good for me. josh told me to run on asphalt instead of concrete, and that's made the biggest difference in the world. i've already received so many words of encouragement from friends & family which are really helping me stay focused. i'm still on a mission to get a friend to join me......
my countdown:
215 days until San Diego. oh my goodness, that's A LOT of days and A LOT of miles to run.


toadgee said...

thumbs up :)

kaddie said...

that means 215 till you're in sunny california and i'm right there cheering you on (while i drink a tea latte and eat a bagel of course) :)

a.maria said...

hey, just an idea, as i had shin splint trouble as well... you sit on the edge of your chair (bench, whatever) and have your legs at a 90 degree angle, feet flat on the floor. put heavy books (if at home) or dumb-bells (if at the gym) over your toes, and lift your toes... you'll feel the burn in your shins, and it will make that muscle stronger.
(its hard to explain, but once you do it, you'll understand what i mean)... a soccer friend told me of this and it worked really well.

plus just a lot of stretching of your calves!

good luck!