Sunday, November 05, 2006

running love

Well that decision wasn't really too hard.

My Gobbler Grind Half Marathon is officially not going to happen. Chiefs vs. Raiders was too exciting to pass up. But I think I'll set my sights to run a half in February-ish.

And oddly, once i marked the Gobbler Half off my calendar, my running felt great. Tues, Wed, Fri i ran 4,3,3 ALL on the treadmill.

yep. i CHOSE to run on the treadmill. don't ask me why i ran indoors. it wasn't even that cold here. i apparently was just in a treadmill craze this past week.

but my best running of the week came on Saturday morning. i was only planning on going 6, maybe 8 miles since i hadn't ran 8 miles in 3 weeks. but then i started running with Courtney, Kevin and Becky and the pace was comfortable and i felt (relatively) good, so i went ahead and ran 10 miles with them.

i say it felt 'relatively' good, because the arch of my left foot had a blister flare up again and it was getting a little bit painful at about mile 4. not painful enough to make me stop though, so i kept running. hmm....i MAYBE shouldn't have done that. when i got home and took off my sock, i screamed.

now, my feet have seen some freaky blisters, so it would take a lot to scare me. i got a lot of 'that made me sick' comments when i posted that last picture, so i promise to spare you the grotesqueness of this blister. (unless you ask to see a pic, then i'll share) Bascially, i have a blister on my foot that looks like a heart. A cute, not-so-little heart. It has the same shape....and the same color. Yep, i have THE blood blister of all blood blisters.

talk about a new way to show ones love for running.


Josh Dysart said...

Wow! you posted something without me having to bug you repeatedly! Glad to hear all of your runs went so well.

KT said...

Me too...and hey, sometimes the treadmill's a nice break. Make sure you cheer like crazy on Thanksgiving! What a fun game that will be.

kaddie said...

i wanna see the blister!

Kevin said...

yes, I kind of want to see the blisters, too. BLISTERS! BLISTERS! BLISTERS!