Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Say Cheeeeeese!

I realize I mentioned several times that I would follow up a couple of my posts with pictures. Well, I lost my camera USB cord and just found it last night, so here’s a recap of some of my summer so far, in pictures.

Todd with his parents- riding the Seattle Streetcar

Todd with my parents— our wooden boat ride on Lake Union

Me- sailing the ship. (this is the only picture where I'm not eating my hair.)

Aye Aye, captain!

A view of my apartment from Lake Union (or near proximity of my place)

my pieced-together panoramic view of GasWorks Park

My awesome birthday present from Todd, a Mac Mini. I named him Cooper. And pretty birthday flowers from my NY friend Kaddie.

Kayaking fun!

Followed by some yummy mexican food at Agua Verde cafe

Agua Verde Paddle Club

Oddly, in all these photos it is cloudy. I think it's because they're from June, which was an oddly cool/cloudy month. Apparently I don't carry my camera on sunny days....oh, and I guess it didn't help that I had no more storage space left on my memory stick.

Additionally....I ran 3 miles Monday and 3.5 miles this morning with no foot problems.
We're heading back to Kansas early tomorrow morning for several bridal showers and final wedding vendor meetings. Should be lots of fun, though I'm kinda dreading the heat!

1 comment:

kaddie said...

so honored the flowers even made a blog post!

i don't understand...what's a mini mac?