Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Oh, the Glee!

Day 3 of my 'no artificial sweetener challenge' (NASC)

My biggest fear with NASC was that I wouldn't be able to go without gum.

I'm a gum addict.

I chew gum when I finish a meal or coffee drink. I chew when I'm bored or don't have any food handy. I chew when I workout. When I run. Practically the only time I don't chew is when I'm sleeping. That just seems too dangerous.

My favorite gum is Extra Polar Ice. I keep a stash of it on hand and make sure I have a pack in every purse or gym bag I carry. I frequently find gum in my bathroom, makeup bag, coat pockets, coffee table,'s like a special surprise everytime I find a forgotten pack.

So I went cold turkey. No gum. Ugh.

But wait! Just when I thought all hope was lost, (ok not even 24 hours had passed) I found this.

Imagine my glee (pun totally intended) when I discovered Glee.

It's all natural, no preservatives, or artificial flavors or sweeteners. Natural means that they use chicle, derived from the sap of a certain tree in Central America, which in turn, helps sustain the rain forest. Glee is good for everyone!

My only gripe with it is that the flavor doesn't last long, but it is good to chew following a meal. At least I won't have stinky breath. And I'm helping the rain forest, which isn't something you do by chewing Extra gum.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never saw this gum before, but interesting. Good luck with the challenge.