Friday, December 09, 2005

This will be short and sweet....
Winter wonderland is here and as much as i love the snow, it certainly makes it difficult to keep up on my mileage. I went to the gym last night and hopped on the treadmill for the first time in a couple years, and i was kinda dreading it. Now, I can't decide if i liked it or not. On the plus side, i was able to keep track of my mileage and keep up a good pace. But, there's not much to look at while running in place. I had a great run though, 4 miles in 35:00. Started out with a 9:00 pace, then was down to 7:45 pace the last mile. Felt good and my shins didn't hurt as bad as i thought they would on a treadmill.
Last week's mileage: 14 miles
This week's mileage so far: 11.25 miles. I didn't do my track workout this week in an effort to avoid the bone-chilling wind. I hope to fit another 4 miles in somewhere between our office holiday party tonight and college graduation parties tomorrow.

1 comment:

Josh Dysart said...

You're so fast! How did you get so fast? I can't believe how fast you are! Fast! Fast! Fast!