Monday, November 14, 2005

Words of Wisdom for today's blog: If the benefits of exercise could be put into a pill, it would be the most prescribed medication of all time........And lately i've discovered that a day without my medicine is a day not preferred by me. The feeling after completing a run is one of breathlessness and thoughts of 'what have i gotten myself into?' But with that comes accomplishment, wellbeing, and ultimate satisfaction and these far outweigh any negative feelings. Even though some days it takes every last ounce of energy i have to lace up my shoes and stride away, I always feel better than if i'd let my body win the argument against my mind. My shins are without a doubt the loudest yelling body parts of mine. They scream at me every single day, every time i run up stairs, every time i take the first step in my run. But do i listen to them? no. I pound them on the pavement and tell them to shut up. "Just deal with it a little while longer, guys and get over it already." And they succumb to my orders and the pain subsides and i keep on running. Saturday was one of the best running days i've had thus far in my training, even though the wind gusts were enough to knock over a small child. I spent most of my run down in a valley, running on the Prairie Village streets covered by a tree canopy so the wind was not too noticeable. But the best part of it all was getting caught in the rain, which always gives me a unique kind of exhilaration to help carry me through my run.
This past week's mileage: 11 miles.....2mile track split: 16:50
Time til San Diego......201 days, 21 hours, 47 minutes


Josh Dysart said...

Katie -- I love the quote! And you're a rockstar. Just so you know.

Ben, aka BadBen said...

Keep up the training. The weather is just starting to get interesting in KC.