Thursday, September 28, 2006

A letter to my shinemies enemies

Dear shins,
You're mean. Just plain mean. You are my nemesis. Nemesises. Nemesiseses. whatever.

I looked it up in the dictionary, and the correct plural form is nemeses:
nem·e·ses - noun [nem-uh-seez]
1. something that a person cannot conquer.
2. one that inflicts retribution or vengeance.
3. a source of harm or ruin.
(and yep, they sure hit the nail on the head with that definition.)

Why must you tease me like you do? You have GOT to be the moodiest beings around! You are 100 times worse than a PMSing female deprived of chocolate. One day you are my friend, letting me enjoy my running and making me feel like i am a superstar. But, you deceiving things...the next day you treat me like i am your enemy. You make me wince in pain, cause me to wish i weren't running, and make me feel like a broken down wagon.

You really are my nemeses, just when i am convinced that i have conquered you, you come back with a vengeance and ruin my fun.

I've tried to fight you off, i've covered you in ice, i've knocked you out with painkillers, i've slathered you with Biofreeze. But you won't stop, you won't back down. You won't let me just run.

That's all i ask of you. Just let me run. Let me be alone with my running shoes. It's really not necessary for you to come along for the ride. You're like an annoying backseat driver who won't shut up and plays country music non-stop for the entire cross country road trip and just talks incessantly and blah-di-blah blah blah.... Aarrrrgh!

Just enjoy the ride. How hard can that be? One of these days you're going to realize that i'm not backing down from you. I will defeat you. I'll keep running. I'll fight through the pain. I'll put myself back on crutches again if that's what it takes.

So this is your written warning. I'm giving you a chance to back down quietly without a fight. I'm offering you a 'Get out of Jail Free' card.

Just take this offer and run with it.

your FRIEND katie

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Best 5 Ever

I just HAVE to blog about my latest run before i forget the details. Tuesday night i did an 8 mile bike ride and then set out on a 4 mile run. The weather was perfect that evening, the sun was starting to set, and the 68 degree temp felt like fall had finally arrived. I headed down the hill and knew it would be a good run, my shins weren't hurting AT ALL. No pain, no restrain. I picked up the pace and ran on the grass and street as much as the traffic allowed. I've learned that sidewalks are not a force to be reckoned with for me.

I don't know if it was the awesome weather, or the primarily grass running, but when i got to my 2 mile turnaround point I didn't stop. I just kept running. I had no hurry to be back home, so i figured i might as well enjoy the run. I ran through a park where there were little league football teams playing and families out for a stroll and it just made me happy. I just kept running.

And when i say 'running', i mean it.

I was bookin' along at an avg 8:20 pace. I was pretty impressed with myself, considering i still had at least 2 miles left to run. I decided at that point that i would make it a 5 mile run instead of 4, so i turned around at 2.5 and headed back home. 21:40 and i was feeling great, like i could keep running all night.

Please, please let me feel this great for the KC half marathon. Oh, that would be awesome.

I even picked up the pace slightly on my way back and finished one of the best runs i've had in a long, long time. Actually, that was THE BEST 5 mile run i've ever had.

5 miles.......40:55.....8:12 avg pace.

I biked a speedy, hilly 11 miles last night and plan on a 4 mile run tonight, and hopefully i can do a little something tomorrow morning since i won't have time after work. why? because my awesome bf is arriving tomorrow!!!!! i can't wait.

Monday, September 11, 2006

cheesecake pudding

i think i have trouble keeping up with my blogging for a couple of reasons. The main one being that i prefer my blogs to be entertaining for readers, and lately i just can't come up with anything that i feel would be interesting for others. No words of wisdom, no running revelations, no training triumphs....nothing. Just the same old, same old.

Not that that's a terrible thing, i guess, but it just doesn't create much blog excitement. I need something to inspire me. Something cool to happen. Actually, what i really need is a new job. I'm so bored in my current one, i think my brain is slowly turning to pudding. mmmm, pudding.... i wish i had some cheescake pudding right now.

Good to eat, but not good to have controlling your body. My friend Jessi suggested that i go work at Starbucks and do something fun for awhile, at least until I figure out what i want to do or where i want to go. See, ideally i would start out making lattes at my local Prairie Village Starbucks and then gradually move my way up the corporate ladder. And since i plan on moving to Seattle sometime anyway, i don't think this idea is too crazy. I'd have to make some financial sacrifices for sure, but happiness is more important than material goods 97% of the time. (I don't know for sure what the other 3% involves, but i would imagine it involves a very beautiful Kate Spade purse)

Well, since my blog is mostly about running, i suppose i should blog about running. As mentioned earlier, nothing exciting has happened, so this is just an update on my training for the KC half marathon on Oct. 7th
Since my last post:
9/1 - 3 mi 29:45.....9:55/mi
9/2 - 8 mi 1:14:02.....9:14/mi
9/5 - 2.5 mi 22:12....8:53/mi
9/7 - 4 mi 38:02.....9:30/mi
9/9 - bike 10 mi
9/9 - 10 mi 1:37:30....9:47/mi

The Todd is coming to KC this weekend. I'm pretty thrilled about that.